wonder what kind of sonogenetic approach had have Aristotle in lyceum, hm, and what kind in Pella, when he was tutoring Young Alexander The Great and his Fellows how to conquer and unite the ancient world!?, also wonder whether he employed tutoring knowhow from Socrates from Plato or he made his own unique one!?, on top his Father (Aristotles) was friend and personal healer of Philip 2 from Makedon so most probably except education and bioresonance Alexander got from Aristotle also super good teas so would boost his learning process … imagine to be future global conqueror and Your teacher is one of the greatest philosophers!!!, eh we all had have such priviledge!, on top mids landscaping classrooms, surrounded by birds and calm fragrance hanging on the classroom pergolas, maybe with some lions except the molossian mastiffs like Peritas and thessalian horses like Bucephalus, hm, probably beauty all around, and surely we can assume Aristotle used various practical means to explain more intuitively his knowhow to his students in person eg. how one should vanish but still be alive in my opinion Aristotle didnt died by suicide as some assume nor Phillip died by jealous plot as is known in history, but Aristotle went in hermits seclusion so would sign his opus, while Phillip took his place and his own to Alexander so all would finish their mission in right way, assumption based solely on some personal hunch how ideally would be arranged ancient macedonian expedition, nevertheless by excepting this kind of axiom one could grasp more easily how was possible in antiquity in short time those who need to get through crush courses extra amount of knowledge on top the same to be usefully implemented, surely then didnt waste time of their life like broilers all day long sleeping in benches on books, but more original they were juggling while riding on wisdom rollercoaster eg. mixing proverbs with experimental thoughts, why, “The melting-pot nature of the classrooms in antiquity, in which all three levels of education were often held in the same room, underscores the difficulty in drawing a hard distinction between primary, secondary, and tertiary education in the first-century Mediterranean world.” … “Anyone who has spent any length of time teaching knows that the skill and craft of students varies widely across a single classroom. How much more across a society! There is no reason to assume this is a phenomenon isolated to our present experience.” [1]
thats why on other hand, resonating words meanings and ideas in antiquity, was surely unique experience as for the teachers so as for the students, what seen like pulsating convergent/divergent vortex of natural vibe was radiating knowledge towards freedom i.e. some natural trial&error till particular success on some level, as Louis Mackey would say since antiquity till now we’ve advanced only to superchimps level regards philosophy and metaphysics [2] eventually advanced in earthly “natural” sciences, but even there we’ve got lost in grrrrr fractal [2][2][2] actually in ancient Macedonia coz slavery wasnt anyhow pronounced as in the greek city states so as the knowledge was free to grow as theoretically so as practically which in the end lead to the golden age of classicism of the aegean civilization known as ellenism, tho it was for a while the age of global known ancient globalization when progress exponentially burst regards shared knowledge that it was laid path towards wide liberation of the masses, yet what first was paused by the diadochy to some extent after alexanders death, and finally obstructed with the emergence of romans whether from fear so burnt the Ale.Bib. [2] or took the knowledge and reserve it for the elites coz certain reasons [2][2][2] momentum which afterwards was revived in renaissance when instead all available knowledge to serve for freeing of the masses instead was employed for more and more perfidious exploitations and enslavement culminating by supposed freeing of the serfdom by wage slavery mids capitalism etc. alike isms that till this day didnt secure peace and stability but from greater to greater uncertainty what would be most suitable way for existence and survival, for what tho think what mainly counts is the basis of given society in my opinion balance between solidarity [3] and ideals [4] coz first we live on planet with limited resources but also huge ecofootprint, and second with thirst for sustainability without responsibility, on top surrounded by fears of all unequal, simply coz utopian vibe is just fairytale on this realm of existence, where education per’se cant resolve anything when is not strongly secured through ethical and moral constrains and/or later societical ecoetical and bioethical implementation in our modern societies, where it would really useful to be implemented mechanism like eTOS so we would reach greater level of engaged solidarity and firm ideals ahead as locally so as regionally and globally!, yep electronicTrueOpenSociety could potentially expand our effectiveness if not else regards education [5]
probably some sort of free open debate as always had have the greek city states, or the roman republic, but did they!?, coz as agora so as the senat were only farce full intrigues of openness, from one simple reason if that is Council of Elders which earlier was the prime tribal ruling mechanism, when the same is filled with representatives not from the own familiar tribe, but representatives of the trading warring and decadent elites of some local or regional society, then by default corruption rulz [6] which as mirror nowadays in the expanded version of republicanism is even legalized once some entity evolves far from liberalism and more close to centralization eg. in usA [6] or eU [6] in contrast in kingdoms coz all elites vote for one above all to rule as king like judge, the margin for error always falls on one chair, in a way republicanism by default bring greater space for manipulation among the “equals” were plots and hypocrisy is best employed policy, while that regards kingdome is mainly case with the similar rival entities!, and its same in education think i.e. if Aristotle was part of smaller dedicated tribal classroom he would (actual with alex;d;great) head greater effect in his tutoring, while in lyceum only effective tutoring was for equal among himself but most of them then end up like teachers or common citizens, nor Athens became super advanced or ad have some extra feats afterwards, simply even Aristotle couldnt bring there ruler parexcellance, tho nor in Makedon stayed to clone other royal philosopher kings, but yet again once Alexander was stricken from causality fate and if indeed plotted against his father earlier so as he became victim of plot eventually open space for less educated diadochi which were leaning to further unity and freedom instantly fell in division and tyrannical rule!, but how so Alexander became such student!?, hm here I’ll say however Aristotel had have pure resonance in his hearth, if Alexander havent good upbringing as child surely either would oppose the tutors stamina from pride or would be more interested in the court affairs instead his exploring will, luckily in the end had have unpolluted openminded teacher as student, as had have unpolluted tender grandma as nanny!, hm, maybe his grandfather was his babysitter the luck or the problem tho in his case was that without his heliolatric metaphysical heredity his feats bloomed or later as far from his ancestral source faded!, finally if Aristotle wasnt from the same macedonian lineage the vibe wouldnt be the same as tutor learner connection!, and could be simply proved not just from his birth place Stagira but also where Aristotle found his lyceum i.e. the sanctuary of Apollo [7] altho in his time he could easily choose whatever location want where earlier sophists were teaching instead on the outskirts of Athens, yeah to be always ready to evade the socratean or protagorean destiny maybe, then surely clever move!, aside that as bioresonance his knowhow choked by the corrupt walls of acropolis would resonate wrong vibe, and yes we can assume he was extra concerned about that, is it better to tilt’in’place while teaching, or stroll around as he likes so his spirit would be lifted higher and higher, after all when someone needs to find exit from some logic dilemma its better to have open space so the problematic thoughts would not bounce back again and again
I’ll accept that “resonance means that expressions evoke one another” but how if one intellect is tilting among walls, can we evoke motion without inertia, and is the mind and body not joint system, how would boat sail if there is no wind or is not peddled, and in philosophy where most higher thoughts of freedom beauty and clarity are chased we would yeah tilt in place, hm hm hm imagine nowadays the Philo classes are given while paragliding in some unique ways of symbolic expression … but yet again if the student werent patient listeners yet again the feat of tutoring is not same for everyone, and in corrupt Athens surely we dont have many that succeed to earn invested and harvest from aristotelian knowhow, and the same is even now around the world, where even simple points of Aristotle its hard to be correctly interpreted by many and instead to chase trinitarian golden mean by default are trying to emply neoplatonic humanistic dialectics on all levels [8] yeah the hypocrisy of the past or modern western democracy topped by presidential philosopher which stamina is effective only for nursery home lobby floor!, even in the academia eg. when nobel prize is given and received if one bows till extremes to the mainstream narrative, or to be peddled someone not to use the nobels dynamite so would ignate global war eg. BarckO and the temptation for no’fly’zone in Syria back in 2014 [9]