I had have intention to post these blobs of text after Christmas, but when I saw overall how it sounds, and that as such could make someone sick, decided its better now than then!, Warning, yoga is for yogies, not Christians!
its interesting that scholastic approach to science would be almost total error, holistic also can do extra harm if the scientist get lost in the labyrinths of the billions of combinations between the seen and the unseen in this world, thus all need to be careful how they are trying to reach eg. 8D revelations!, I myself (if needed) I’ll use fear tactics so would remind myself that at beginning of the stick is The Fear From Our Almighty Lord and on the end is His Love so would not anyhow astray in my exploration, if tempted to do so!, eg. as fear research tactics would use as pivot lines from text about yogis practice, what by all means as eastern pagan mysticism when seen through Orthodox Christian position would be complete apostasy [1]][1]-[1][[1]-[1]][[1] knowing that that what is buried we need to leave it so we would not become zombies if hug it, archeology and bioresonance comes to mind, which on top as neopagan knowhow could be even more dangerous i.e. could make You cloned zombie [2] yet if by any means as I’ve said got tempted to explore beyond 5D physics will need to remind myself that I am risking to gamble with my Salvation as NikolaT did, go after sorrow for the life You’ve lost in vain while trying to become eureka maestro!, yet again in some circumstances one will get trapped and will try to escape its own curiosity so then wanted or not will stumble on various doors passages and portals but when not secured by extra Grace it could easily get lost if not end up sliced, so do be careful how approach pagan and neopagan knowhow coz its mostly painted by wrong axioms of the truth, altho one can find from time to time some interesting analysis that are interesting as observation of “their” couloirs like the next quote from an yoga manual, which can be deemed useful maybe in context of kozyrevs ideas, tho that cant say for sure whether indeed express such axioms!
Seditious and forgotten nowadays astrophysicist Nikolai Kozyrev asserted that time transforms the Universe into a flat wave front and is an equivalent of Aether due to what all macrobodies possess ability of instant communication. If, according to one of the hypotheses, the mankind has descended from one pair of protopeople, so today this matrix consists of billions of “cells”, and dubbing-in at the physical level is inevitable. When the total number of people on the planet exceeds twenty billions (the approximate quantity of brain neurons), occurrence of subjects with identical mentality becomes probable. [3][3]
on other hand knowing that kozyrevs ideas are unburdened from philosophical and metaphysical assumptions, the previous quote looks more like fabricated interpretation!?, and in the next quote it could be seen that, about deep philosophical thinking NikolaiK is on same line with NikolaT about mathematical poetry (which calculations rest on particular philosophical system), thus we can assume that he was theoretical visionary altho still used math to express his theories, unlike Tesla who simply couldnt fit in the current mainstream physics!
Kozyrev tried not to be distracted by such ideological philosophical questions, he agreed on there where science begins, there it ends philosophy [4]
this last video footnote is from the site chronos,ms,ru linked in the 8th footnote of the 8th post above [4] to which site and yt channel could be found other videos about the work of NikolaiK [4][4][4] but I do lack example JPF vidchats so would compare similarities and/or differences in the interpretations!, yep still too poor to enter there!
anyway, NikolaiK used different name for the Aether Physics, connecting it to Time label it Torsion Physics, what after teslas points as Space, we get Space Time and we lack only Spirit as JPF points is case with plasmas, so Space Time and Spirit would be then description for this fundamental force!, STS where Time could be also eg. Memory, in which case we will get SMS
but who is sender and who receiver would be the next viable question!?, how entanglement between two three and more dots pieces vibes could be explained, or even that should be tied to quantum particles that actually coz the failure of the failed lepton universality (proved recently) actually its quackery so we cant relate to this phenomenon particle physics, at least not as its described, eventually on level of electrons protons and neutrons!?, let the quest begin, who among mainstreamers except AlexU will have courage to challenge the epoch of exceptional relativists dogmas!?, even NikolaiK didnt tried, nor NikolaT bothered, maybe JPF will 
the next quote is from syncretic’yoga’book, so here also I’ll remind be careful what is thrown overall in the book as new’age’bait!, altho I’ll take the opportunity to share this explanation for kozyrevs theories as written in proverbial language, yep useful coz quackademics will never find will to plug their brains, on this for them at best fringe pseudo scientific realm, so garage scientists will need to continue to, if we want to see scientific revelation reachable to the masses …
Fifty years ago, Professor Nikolai Kozyrev, a respected Russian astrophysicist, began answering this question, discovering a new force in physics, which he called the “density of time.” This force involved a twisting in space he called “torsion. Apparently anything with mass can create its own torsion field or wave. When a particle spin suddenly changes direction, the particle produces torsion waves, a form of particle radiation. Since all elementary particles have mass and spin, they can generate their own torsion field. The direction of the twist—to the right or the left, predicts whether entropy (defined as “lack of order” but also “information”) will be increased or decreased at the point of origin, with the opposite occurring at a point elsewhere. Thus is balance ensured within the entirety of a system. Hence we could say that when information “disappears” from one place it can also “appear” elsewhere. (forums comes to mind)
A torsion field can also create patterns with its spins, encoding these patterns with information. Subtle energy work such as that accomplished through the application of ESP, hands on healing, prayer, focus, or energy medicine techniques is often accompanied by the use of shapes to produce change, as I noted in an earlier mention of Dr. Ibrahim Kharim’s work.While particle shifts can create torsion fields that result in patterns, which in turn act upon the vacuum, the opposite also can be true. Patterns—or even colors and sounds—can invoke shifts that result in alterations of reality. Several physicists are now bending their minds to this idea, long held by ancient mystics. As an article by Meinard Kuhlmann in Scientific American points out, physicists have typically believed that particles and force fields underlie reality; instead, these energies might actually themselves respond to bundles of properties such as color and shape. Might it really take only one persistent thought or feeling (or color or shape) to spin a new reality—one that might persist on its own?
According to Kozyrev’s theories, these effects would be explained by the nature of a torsion, which can be imaged as a twisting vector between two points in space-time. The issue isn’t really one of weight but of time. Time is thinner at the end of a right-handed torsion wave and denser at the other end, shifting the nature of space and how much mass can be perceived on either side, producing an antigravity effect. Wherever time is denser, such as with left-handed spins, we actually have negative time flow and information is taken away; ESP becomes easier. Where time is thinner, as with right-handed spins, information is added. Frequency is basically altered, changing the relationship with the vacuum; the pattern of the spin decides what is going to happen with the information. [5]
hm, just when I’ve finished this quote, I’ve got likE in the another thread, and in the same and following post [6] I do find resemblance of the neopagan’exploring’will and this mine digging of info from what is available on net!, thus again and again I’ll need to remind all, dont take anything from this for granted but recheck debate and chew everything with tempered mindset for clarity than blind’heartedness!
these points from the last quote, regards twisting vector between two or more points, could be seen as probable explanation for recent claim about propulsion system that defy the current mainstream physics, and we will need to wait and see (if true) whether this will see the day anytime soon with greeting alike “huston we dont have a problem”!, somehow engineers always find ways to bend the mainstream logic with their workable inventions, the problem is bit faux, once one need to calculate how not to loose eg. ~30% energy from that that was sent through the cables!, alternate this and voilla You will reach mass space flight tourism, but again for whom!?, O (reverse polar) Solar Storm where art thou!?
former NASA engineer working on a propellant-less propulsion drive has claimed that the device can deliver enough thrust to achieve lift in Earth’s gravity, an effect which should not take place under our current understanding of physics.
Dr Charles Buhler, who worked on a range of programs while at NASA, has since co-founded Exodus Propulsion Technologies, which in 2019 applied for a patent for a system that they claim can generate force using asymmetrical electrostatic pressure. According to the patent, the system generates a voltage difference across an electrically conductive surface.
“The applied voltage difference creates an electric field resulting in an electrostatic pressure force acting on at least one surface of an object. Asymmetries in the resulting electrostatic pressure force vectors result in a net resulting electrostatic pressure force acting on the object,” the patent reads, adding that the invention could be used as a thruster to propel spacecraft. “The magnitude of the net resulting electrostatic pressure force is a function of the geometry of the electrically conductive surfaces, the applied voltage, and the dielectric constant of any material present in the gap between electrodes.”
Buhler’s claim, were it to be proven true and not the result of another force the team has not accounted for, would be huge. During tests, the team claims to have found an even more puzzling result; the device was apparently sometimes able to maintain this thrust without a constant electrical input.
“The most important message to convey to the public is that a major discovery occurred,” Buhler told The Debrief. “This discovery of a New Force is fundamental in that electric fields alone can generate a sustainable force onto an object and allow center-of-mass translation of said object without expelling mass.”
(wow mainstream exceptionalism rulz always) If the force behind Exodus Propulsion Technologies’ design was proved to be the result of asymmetrical electrostatic pressure and not some other unaccounted-for force, and it can be shown to work on larger scales, it would be revolutionary to spaceflight.
“There are rules that include conservation of energy, but if done correctly, one can generate forces unlike anything humankind has done before,” Buhler added. “It will be this force that we will use to propel objects for the next 1,000 years… until the next thing comes.” [7][7]
interesting, was maybe JFK wacked coz wanted to inform the public about such physics, sorry I cant hold my curiosity, mars is calling when I’ll see You again
tho first we will need to wait to see the next phase tests in vacuum which in effect could be easily sabotaged, unless other countries also will not hoop onboard and start experimenting with similar concepts, yeah maybe yet again antarctic deal will close the case!?, tho kinetic and hypersonic weapons will rip the benefits for sure!
do plasma physics can get inspiration from this EPT concept, but to it add the bubbles around the torsion fields, and we can expect even greater propulsion!?, I’ll use completely different analogy, more holistic than mainstreamly’flat’earthing!, just dont take me serious on this, tho nor ridicule the attempt!, those scifi crafts after all had have point around their shapeshifting. or that is coz impression flow!?, hairstyle was always issue for the advanced modern trendsetters!, what most probably can be avoided if the water that is used for cleaning the propulsion system is consecrated [8][8][8][8]
Use of specific shapes to contain and store water can be selected to maintain and support it’s energetic function, for example Shapes that are connected to the molecular structure of water can energize water thus morphic resonance effects, flow forms and egg-like shapes also have energetic effects upon water. For the means of transportation of water the shape of the water pipes used on the buildings should be energetically optimized to create a torsional motion in the interior of the pipes while straight lines should be avoided where possible. [7]
now to this should be added additional variables and the propulsion should be even greater …
Some experiments, such as memory effect (measuring after liquid stops rotating); information transfer about a rotating object’s state (rotation of discs) etc. confirming existence of nonelectromagnetic influence on charge energy of the semiconductor allow suggesting that the described interaction belongs to torsion field.
In works of A.V. Bagrov etc. equations of
small relativistic particle’s motion in external
torsion field are obtained. They show
dependence of kinetic energy of the particle on
the nonelectromagnetic component. An
expression for Hamiltonian is determined
forecasting torsion field’s influence on energy
levels. In case the component of pseudovector
of torsion exists, each level can be split in two
with a certain energy difference. The obtained
equations also show that interaction with
torsion bends a moving electron’s trajectory
while vector of spin precession in external
torsion field depends on speed of the particle.
That’s why these effects can lead to changing
of density and mobility of charges used in
semiconductor devices.
In external torsion field, spin of a moving particle is oriented according to the filed and correspondingly, energy level’s splitting occurs. Changing of levels occur due to resonance absorption of alternating field’s energy leading to increase of the particle’s speed. As the research has proved that such changing exists, we can suggest that torsion filed also has the variable component, which is possibly generated by Earth. Most likely, in case the frequency of spin precession coincides with the frequency of the physical field’s alternating component, resonance absorption and changing to another energy level happen. Experiments prove that, besides cross component of the alternating component, its longitudinal components appears (correlation of independent data).
On the basis of the implemented research we can make the following conclusions:
~ * ~ rotation is a source of the physical filed having the same characteristics as torsion field’s ones. Hence, the listed effects can be construed as influence of this field on matter. In this case, torsion filed considered a spin, which is a polarized state of physical vacuum, accordingly, spin influence on ultimate particles is possible. In external torsion field, spin of a moving particle is oriented according to the filed and, correspondingly, energy level’s splitting occurs. Changing of levels occur due to resonance absorption of alternating field’s energy leading to increase of the particle’s speed.
~ * ~ the system “radioactive source – detector” can be used as a sensor of torsion field, in order to research distribution of potentials in ambient space of rotating objects. The rotating object is a source of information of its internal state, hence, a nondestructive method of controlling internal state of rotating objects. [8]
now as conclusion to all this, to be honest juggling with assumptions, I’ll add be very careful how You are tackling this mosaic reasoning coz the same could as well lead You not just in apostasy but also apathy (experiment went wrong, or “someone” misuse its vibe / literature podcast and docus of pagan or neopagan knowhow) here are few good catholic exorcist points [[u]9] coz You’ll navigating on unknown terrain, where need to use regularly apophatic prayerful approach so would not astray, Liturgies by default but also Holy Unction and Holy Water should be Your regular means when tomorrow entering among scientists or enthusiasts with similar affinities whether in real life or in the virtual one!, dont forget its topic where many pagan and neopagan sidekicks exist and that by itself can grab You if unprepared or loosen, again good points by the cc’exorcist [10] and if already read these post You are practically exposed to various risky knowledge coz if I point to some source per’se I dont accept everything in it but need to give link so it wont happen that I am presenting my own understanding, mostly exploring given topic, and giving mine probable and possible assumptions in context!, I am nor authority on the matter nor some versed physicist, thus even if I knew or grasp something just like NikolaT cant express it, (but if get busy in my garage (that I still dont have it) maybe can come up with something, yep cryogenic fryer for potato chips [11] plus working without plug for electricity!, jokes aside,) just try to harness the piezoelectric field underneath Your fingers when cooking and the lunch will get nice propulsion of flavors, probably it takes some focus and ologocized chanting so would succeed, what tho for me came in completely different way!, and useful for various means [12][13] be creative but with calm will, when wrong apologize at least to Your close ones!, so sorry if I was temptation anyhow to You, Lord Bless those who read me, so would not get lost because of me …