(the( correct (next) post )office) Hm, if by plandemix trickery “they” didnt succeed to prepare all for hiving, even didnt helped “them” the earlier long agitprop how cyborgs are next logical level [1][1]-[1][1]-[1][1] (what think through “their” 3.0 and 4.0 plain esotery from the past century is not hard to be understood [2]-[2][2][2]-[2]) So then what is envisioned as reserve plan for “the job” would be finished!?, hm maybe wide completition through real’or’false’flag’nuclear’stay’at’home’spin and with prep’cans tagging broilers by address [3][3] hm but how we are more and more cautious it would be on multilevel share so all would start bleeping in “their” hive map, the problem again is that need to be tied to name or at least address, thus maybe are considering even delivery by mailbox of transhumanist’utopian’greetings to all still not vaxed, hm, didnt “they” rigging skim for plandemix checks too which could be used also like this, practically by whatever means so would be finished the catalogization agenda needed for neatly manageable technocracy > whether needed for full’digital’economy or for push’d’button conditioning&policing till ideal social engineering needed for “long’lasting’utopia”, surely like that the social’scientific’experimenting will get ultra’exact through major empirical surveys later fed in “their” simulators with lesser as possible free variables so the scenarios spewed by 'their" a.i. would be more reliable complete and effective [6] while “they” push “their” utopian cannister as smooth as possible further down the road, tho Stop for a moment coz this kind of “wild delivery assumptions” are per’se wrong speculations, mainly coz as what’if whats’next till finish probabilities can easily cross in paranoia if not else from the post’office
so You can freely avoid it coz are shared just like out’of’d’box reasoning “that we can expected from “them” anything” coz “they” indeed are neopagans and indeed have utopian agenda on top deterministic elites that stripped from empathy coz perfectionists lusts for ubermensch superhumanity “they” really dont bother how will execute what, aus&dahau comes to mind, simply trial&error is “their” super normal thing!, tho take my word an fear’from’the’postoffice potentially could block Your prompt IRS responses and that in effected throw You on street level lifestyle, I mean whats the point to live in fear if we know that “they” cant kill the Soul, hm in this case Blessed Are The Homeless, still how is probable the nano’swarm idea as last case delivery [4][4][5] why at all “they” to bother ahead by less effective tagging spins, if indeed rush for ultra’fast’chipping!?
Coz the sake of Clarity “why “they” need” panopticon [6][6][6]-[6][6][6]-[6][6][6] think it should be mentioned briefly (for all not familiar with the term) that the initial idea rests on the urge for effective surveillance and prompt policing, which is not some unique attribute of “theirs” coz its wet dream of every authoritative society, altho in “their” current plutocracy maybe less pronounced but as time’goes’by its getting more and more important simply coz the piling risks of poverty from inequality on steroids, when if “someone” has inherited utopian plan normally the current internet’voyaeristic’stamina of ELINT will need to be upgraded to push’of’button stick&carrot variables so would not pop up any eventual risks of systemic failure coz the current overbubbled overheated and overtilted financial casino of “theirs” till the shift to n’w’o is not completed, ± that day after with such system in place are opened doors eg. when economy is in question for ultra’negative’rates for fed&co so “they” could print wealth even for solar system colonization surely dont expect that overnight “they” will reach utopia but it will be eventually gradual process to full’planned’economy and communism hek after all till get full’molded’broilers that would spark with ultra obedience in their eyes it will be still more useful process the current serfs&slaves to be kept on salary hook even their pool is reduced to billion’global’citizens [6] while in context of utopia&superhumanity as panopticon it would be ideal tool for exercising humanist’social’engineering what now is primarily pushed by propaganda means but with extra effort that to be concealed so would pass smoothly as particular expected change but where always exist pushback risks, just how smooth will pass such needs of “their” if simply have total’recall’control on every citizen that even before expresses some libertarian mood the same will be anticipated by “their” a.i. algorithms which in “their” name will be servicing utopian variations under “their” exceptional deist rule!, still lets hope we are far from such late stage scenario while now the catalogization would be needed only for defense&security at least on such bate are hopped probably onboard usaf&co generals, for what normally exist already preplanned luring steps like the gifted google social’credit’system to China so now usA&co would need to have it too so would survive, at least as I am aware the google cooperation was exactly rigged as the one in Wuhan which also served its purpose fitly when time came to be peddled all for bionic&genetic m’rna revolution but on top for that to be guilty some invisible enemy from far east …
Another excuse for panopticon is “You know corruption need to be stopped”, and how else better than through panopticon means in hands of the scientific (read alchemic) utopian dictatorship, but tho which corruption is result mostly due to the carefully rigged closed’door’system where defacto plutocracy is inevitable outcome even if noone wants to come to that - what about when “they” need to rig such environment so would stay indefinitely unchallenged as shadow elites!, what in “their” eyes now should be serviced not by System Opening and Greater Citizens Supervision (of its (if not else) irresponsible bureaucracy), but instead, it should be done through further stiffer oversight by “them” over ha “their” corrupt, but also the poor (what would be eg. now 1/3 of the population in usA [7]), coz normally as the pile of poor is growing so are the tensions in the society thus the need for more effective balancing of the systemic risks from tensions revolts or lawlessness and like that risks for choking of the constitutional rights and liberties, what eventually can lead to shear systemic collapse “You know if now is not implemented “their” panopticon “they” will claim” altho the same is still not officially revealed (as already in place system linked to elm’satelite’net that just needs to be rolled out in full capacity), ± such “they” comfort “thermselves” that such hive is needed coz all those tied to infiltration freefloating balloon risks of internal or external enemies of the euroatlantic empire so all could sleep peacefully that others will not hive them!, and probably for many its understandable “their” will for securing the current order from collapse as more than necessary coz otherwise will be real huge mess, just that mess actually as always comes from “their” nihilst maltusian darwinian and per’se rosicrucian kitchen!, hm, surely there will be also surprising shock once is revealed eg. maybe some of the underbosses as suddenly awaken from the blinded by pay’per’check servitude will shout in unbelief once the panopticon hive is alive “but where is the democratic balance between privacy and patriotic’act’piracy of the citizens freedom”, on what will get applause ha he havent found about the Scanner Darkly mandatory greeting for lower executive echelons, what if did, supposedly would need to grasp that the panopticon is rule of a thumb coz some invisible enemies and coz wide’popular’good coz what “they” need unnoticeably to penetrate as deeper as “they” can in all the brains at once, coz it was proven that its not enough the prevalent tap swimming in the citizen homes and pockets through LED screens&bulbs but now they need in their heads too, probably “some” scientists would shout for useful recording of Brainwaves Symphony need except external also inner Conductor which will expose any hidden spiritual glitches, and all that by the tact of “Minority’Report’Script” for ultimate precrime utopianism!
Still I have also strange feeling that all that, maybe is not so much driven from ideals, but predominantly from fears!, as kind of survival elitist reflex not to lost “their” inheritance of power wealth and joy, at the moment maybe coz the lately’noticed’derivative’evaporation here and there in “their” clearing systems!?, and so “they” could keep “their” position as ultimate elites above all, then how else to secure “their” fears than through boosting the current plutocratic authoritarianism till technocratic totalitarianism i.e. from fear to rushup shift from plutocracy in technocracy that normally in both cases is sold as justly lawful and beautiful, and why, so the broilers would be kept ahead automatically passive&obedient even mids rigged&covert wide’world’experimental transhumanist circumstances, altho all that masked with excuses like we need such “switch” coz chance for smooth removing of any potential risks from destabilization of the system!, an survival math excuses for the naive academia to keep without hesitations the pace of research and servitude till success (altho defacto not for common good but “their” elitist survival), an deeper reduction of their reductionist humanism by their “masters”!, tho that is the commoner academia, while “their” Academician Peers as scientific elite has big loosen smile on “their” face, coz hope that in the end as intellectual faction (with little help of transhumanist a.i. patches in “their” brains) will prevail after the shift in the expected technocracy and from within to transfer day after the power from the current bank’corp elites to the future philosophers&idealists thus now quietly work out what is asked even overlooking (if and when is needed) whatever bioethical or ecoethical norms, eg. the modern m’rna mengelians!, if only there would be forbs alike rating lists of all of those maybe some would had have felt if not ashamed how so gave consent or guard for the recent bionic&genetic revolution, or there is but ink is invisible or the paper too porous …
… altho think there is also academic elitist core even among “their” Academic Peers, normally from the very same pool of the current clannish power elites that see “themselves” as ultimate inheritors of the enlightenment era utopian ideals that as ultimate brains behind the scenes tomorrow hope will become the leading n’w’o elite from which ofcourse will be xeroxed the future’uber’leaders, and “nice psychopathy” represent of this faction of wonnabe utopian scientific dictators are huxleans alike exemplars, altho now defacto shadowed by the caste of current vault keepers and usurers, while both of “them” balanced by the faction of dulles alike spooks!, and somehow as “invisible” mids all as glue are the rosicrucian neopagan sorcerers - which actually expect that as faction it will be “theirs” the right to the throne!, hm an invisible faction that is and will be the true and prime force above all the rest in “their” utopia, and logically coz “they” are the true utopian deist idealists that gave meaning to all the rest euroatlantic neopagan elites from the enlightenment revolution onward, the one that gave meaning to “their” neopagan cause and exceptionalism, the one that by sorcery and ultimately possessed stamina are puppeteering all the rest, yet interestingly many think and expect that “their” version 2.0 (what would be freemasonry) looks like the highest order among “them” thus not aware who’is’who, but defacto those are the version 1.0 i.e. the rosicrucian alchemists that are the hidden elites in “their” faction of euroatlantic neopagan enlightenment! Logically that glue coz hidden cant be anyhow differently melted but only through Grace so those that really want to revert “their” inertia and by trickery achieved causality need to focus on Christian Life in Feat [8] instead expecting by whichever dismantling of any other node in “their” ea’neopagan’apparatus on top by earthly means that “their” empire power and utopianism will faint away tho eg. by exposing “them” like this it could be paused “their” inertia or pushed further “their” concealment thus more difficulty to restart “their” visible’invisible’college academicians to chase effective hiving or programing biotech, coz know that through sorcery cant kneel Christians anyhow thus trying by trickery to push us on suffering till apostasy, practically coz succeeded to convince many to depend from “their” usurious’debt’money as owned by owing promise or convinced also not few to get hooked on “their” alchemic meds! … Practically “they” act jointly, but still that priestly faction is empowering the rest, and it would be really naive to believe that “they” are just spontaneous gang of deceivers pushing “their” deceit plainly circumstantial, no nothing in “their” euroatlantic swamp is sudden or not rigged, normally above all is anathemago as prime force and evil’puppet’master coz by default all of them hierarchically are selling “their” souls so would be left in “their” steering wheels till utopia!, So there is no other mean “they” to be cornered or to be dismantled that causality but through Grace!, and so if want to be real and true freedom fighter become devoted Orthodox Christian coz simply the battle is with the powers&principalities in higher places i.e. “their” deception to fool the apostate secular or neopagan elites in this World which even when are not aware for this causality as divers in “their” current system are carried easily to work out for “their” deist utopian agenda!, even many as devoted Christians in their respective field of expertise, simply how would they know that were part of vast neopagan utopian deist plot!?
Yes the masses as not aware or defocused from the real skim, and prefer to look on this hiving panopticon phase as driven by “Strictly Business” motives, and indeed it looks like appealing explanation when observed surficially, coz who has time or courage to reach “their” roots in the mud, and even when will is extra distracted by various means so at best would postpone to reach awareness and till is still anaware would be politely exploited to work out for “them”, hm, Devoted Christians tho by the True Power Of Grace are on other hand politely asked to step away coz simply even not aware whats at stake behind the scenes alone with their presence somewhere are restraining any evil agenda eg. DonaldT even he ws caught through patriotic weakness from respect to usaf to sign warpspeedin’ yet he kept being himself and alone like that it was enough not to deliver to full extent “their” lock’me’down’scotty’agenda!, that was needed so the fear would be fasted by greater pressure and all to be coerced on vaxing! [9] i.e. indeed “their” plandemix failed as not promtly peddled till end i.e. how “they” would secure smooth shift in full’digital’economy while not all got the jab, coz only by vast if not total chipped population “they” can push smooth transition from “their” current plutocracy in pure technocracy, otherwise risk big time “their” house’of’cards to collapse!, surely all that was secured also by defense&security fears or opportunities so would be peddled easily the hijacked if not “owned” military&intelligence apparatus to follow blindly untill the esoteric&academic caste lust out the moment for free experimental genetic&bionic revolution towards superhumanity and heaven’on’earth! hm in essence seen as inherited esoteric’alchemic’empiricism “their” priestly caste is actually scientist and viceversa sometime invisible sometimes visible college coz as naturalist deists are trying to reach apotheosis by reason and mastering of the nature within and around “them”!, probably crossfade exist on the other levels too, there are many witness accounts for luciferian generals that from wickedness got even defformed eyebrows!, but who knows exactly how and till what extent coexist in “their” neopagan swamp! I really dont care actually, tho one need to be aware that “their” mud is even deeper than “their” states, so dont judge “them” coz its really hard someone to get pulled out from there, on contrary need to get help so be polite and share a Prayer so at least those who are willing to pull off would have safety rope instead rocks to fell all around!, and if we put ourselves in “their” shoes will easily get aware how so that is the case, just then people could be able to understand for what kind of temptation is word, and as ex-pagan (even tho not anyhow connected to “their” euroatlantic neopagan syncretism of ancient eastern pagan mysticisms, still) I am pretty aware which is “their” well and what is its “black goo” finally what its will, thus we as Mankind with Free Will can only chose whether we will surrender it to “them” or we will forward it towards Salvation what as order in this World of Existence is Our Almighty Lord Providence as second chance So after our fall to recognize and taste the oblivion of final fall if we choose to embrace the false idolatrous deism!
So choose wisely, and dont act stupidly creative that You can experiment with the choice or postpone it for later, You need to stand firmly otherwise risk to be carried away easily if not put effort as for awareness for the Truth so as for embracing it as chance for Salvation through Jesus Christ … if so then would be careful not to fall in the traps like lustful epicureanism or possessive selfishness or proud exceptionalism even when You can afford that eg. as Orthodox Christians in contrast to the rest that are in heresy or apostasy for/from the Truth i.e. we can easily slip in prelest if condemning the rest without compassion but brag from vanity So leave the Apologetic Debate to Theologians while we as Laos we can Hope that the errors will be reverted and we all will get back to the True Orthodox Christian Roots, so dont brag how we are exceptional coz we need to lower ourselves also as unworthy, coz dont live in Virtuous Feats eg. as the Early Christian had have, who even mids the city were living ascetic way of life, what now cant be reached with similar ease even we were living in Monastery, thus dont be like the pharisees but like the publicans, and especially if we know that as by not small marigen we are also tied to some evangelical error nowadays eg. by the ethnophiletist heresy thus not so perfect and errorless, and even if I try to (or do so) say look as macedonians we are among the first to step back from this ecclesiological error, coz now officially reverting to the prime tradition as Ochrid Archiepiscopy, still even like this I’ll fell in proudful sin, altho when anyhow somewhere or to someone point this I am using it as reminder to the rest Orthodox Christian Churches cmon follow the example so all Orthodox Christian Ecumena will shine in Full and True Tradition, especially if we know that the reason for this heresy is indirectly result of the freemasonic republicanism as nationalism!, but again this is good to be witnessed by example and not just words, tho if I continue to reasoning in this context I can fell even in deeper vanity if start to brag how Ochrid Archiepiscopy as successor of Justinijana Prima that was raised on level of third equal seat between Vatican and Constantinople (what was done by Imperial Decree by Saint Justinian I) now also can equally express exceptionalism, but I’ll be wrong coz in meantime also by imperial decrees few times the status was reverted, altho think that once given status to some Church it should be lasting unless thrown anathema by Council, hm but werent most of the Orthodox Churches raised by such decree!? hm, I am not so insightful so would not make wrong assumption will kept quiet!, still as I said I can reason from commoner perspective coz I’m nor Theologian nor anyhow to anyone authority thus the same logic cant help noone but just further stir proudful prelest in someone hearts or condemnation pride in others coz anyhow I’ve expressed exceptionalism how The Church in Macedonia at the moment is with most pure traditional outlook, will that be enough so we would see extra Grace and Mercy in this World!?, hm, that would be even wronger from my side to claim as if I was aware somehow for soteriological or pneumatological metaphysics, simply its not ours to guess and even if I had have open spiritual eyes still we cant tell for sure, why coz even small things can deprive us from might (name it) plus if we measure by the totality of breakage from that modern OC heresy think officially its not so errorless circumstance coz the Synod didnt still embraced in fullness this brake up with the ethnophiletism coz from patriotic reasons still kept for internal use OA-moc hm maybe afraid not to cross in royalism if completely throw out this freemasonic nationalistic burden!?, simply it cannot be maid compromise with the errors, error is error!, but even then if we dont get humble, whats the point of exercising exceptional Phariseeism!?